Archive: Javascript

Auto scroll to element with specific ID on page load

Posted on: 20 June 2018     Posted by: Freesize Workroom
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Scrolling effect for Anchor Link

Posted on: 20 June 2018     Posted by: Freesize Workroom

Use the following code for the scrolling effect:

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Responsive Type with flowtype.js

Posted on: 27 December 2015     Posted by: Freesize Workroom
Categories: Javascript

Resize text according element’s width –    

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jQuery Cycle 2 – Rotate images or content

Posted on: 16 July 2014     Posted by: Freesize Workroom
Categories: Javascript

This plugin makes rotating elements on a web page super easy! Works for responsive layout. =) URL:    

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Achieve Pinterest style layout with masonry

Posted on: 16 July 2014     Posted by: Freesize Workroom
Categories: Javascript

  Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library, that place elements in optimal position based on available vertical space. URL:

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